Originally Posted by HawkeyeCubP
(Edited to include)
And also, two of the rule citations listed in this thread are at opposition with one another, if we're saying they both have equal precedence.
4-4-1 (and 4-4-2, for that matter) A ball which is in contact with a player or with the court is in the backcourt if either the ball or the player (either player if the ball is touching more than one) is touching the backcourt.
4-4-4 A ball which touches a player or an official is the same as the ball touching the floor at that individual's location.
Because, as both myself and someone else have already asserted, the ball cannot be both out of bounds and in the back(or front)court.
Answer to your edit....
No, these 2 citations are not opposite at all. They supplement each other. A player or an official is deemed to be part of the court at their standing location. So....if a ball touches a player in the backcourt or touches the backcourt(including an official standing in the backcourt), the ball is deemed to be touching the backcourt. Similarly, if the ball touches a player, frontcourt or an official standing in the frontcourt, the ball is deemed to be touching the frontcourt. It ain't rocket science.