Originally Posted by Nevadaref
Despite the ball being in contact with the floor it seems that the ball should be considered out-of-bounds at the moment the OOB player touches it.
ART. 1 . . . A ball which is in contact with a player or with the court is in the backcourt if either the ball or the player (either player if the ball is touching more than one) is touching the backcourt.
ART. 2 . . . A ball which is in contact with a player or with the court is in the frontcourt if neither the ball nor the player is touching the backcourt.
7-1-2 . . . The ball is out of bounds when it touches or is touched by:
a. A player who is out of bounds.
Therefore, I wish to sidestep this issue and would support calling a violation on this throw-in play by pointing to 9-2-5 ". . . The thrower shall not carry the ball onto the court."
I agree that the player is out of bounds, but it seems to me that the out of bounds status of the ball takes precedence over the backcourt status of the ball. There is no definition for "carry" in the Rule Book or anything in the Case Book that I can find that would help clarify, other than
4-15-4-b The dribbler palms/carries the ball by allowing it to come to rest in one or both hands , but I still can't think that that instant of the thrower tapping or pushing the ball can be construed as "carrying" the ball.
And since it doesn't seem to me that a ball can have both backcourt
and out of bounds status at the same time, I don't see how even if you ruled the thrower's touch of the ball a carry, that the ball could somehow be both in the backcourt and out of bounds at the same time (during the time the thrower's hand is in contact with the ball).
Think of it this way: You don't call a backcourt violation when a sliding player, in contact with out of bounds, touches the ball in the backcourt near the sideline for what
would have been a backcourt violation if the player had been in bounds -- you call out of bounds, don't you? -- Because the ball is now out of bounds - not in the backcourt, technically.
Or am I totally off on this?