Originally Posted by refnrev
Watched a boys V game last night in theory to support the local school but in reality to review 3-man to see if I still remembered proper 3-man mechanics. I' new to this part of the state and only have 2-man 7/8 and JV this year. Some ADs have already told me I'll be on ther V schedule next year so i want to kepp the mechanics in my mind. Fairly skilled teams. Decent officiating crew. 3 Younger guys. Good calls and positioning. I was surprised however, at how quickly they rushed to report the fouls and the number of "improvised" signals they used when reporting to the table. I was always told to take my time, be clear, and to always use nothing but the official signals. Is this use of speed and "improvised" signals a growing trend everyhere or was it just this crew. I only know a handful of officials in the area and I am curious.
This is certainly not a trend in our area. We teach our officials to use proper NFHS mechanics in their high school games. Those of us who do some college ball as well try to leave the college mechanics behind when we do high school games.
You will never go wrong in doing it properly. Ref the game that is being in the gym you are at THAT NIGHT.