Proper Signals
Watched a boys V game last night in theory to support the local school but in reality to review 3-man to see if I still remembered proper 3-man mechanics. I' new to this part of the state and only have 2-man 7/8 and JV this year. Some ADs have already told me I'll be on ther V schedule next year so i want to kepp the mechanics in my mind. Fairly skilled teams. Decent officiating crew. 3 Younger guys. Good calls and positioning. I was surprised however, at how quickly they rushed to report the fouls and the number of "improvised" signals they used when reporting to the table. I was always told to take my time, be clear, and to always use nothing but the official signals. Is this use of speed and "improvised" signals a growing trend everyhere or was it just this crew. I only know a handful of officials in the area and I am curious.
That's my whistle -- and I'm sticking to it!