Worst to Best in less than 1 week
Well its like this. I have to admit that on Sunday I did not feel I had the best game I could have done. It was during this game that my partner and I ended up calling 24 fouls 12 -12 in the first half alone, and giving the visiting coach a direct. It seemed to go downhill in the second half. Players were not getting it, still hand checking, using illegal delayed dribbles, etc. all the things we were calling in the first were still happening. 4 minutes left in the game visitors PG gets called for a violation and complained vigorously. Whack gets his second T and hes on the bench. The coach is now down to 4 players on the floor and won't let it go. Shoot the Tech shots and we end up heading back down the floor where a foul is called on the home team. You would think this would help, NOT! He starts in about this kid who got called throwing his hands in the air to complain. For the record I never seen the player do a thing. As we are lining up to shoot the coach is still ranting and pacing up and down in the box. I went over and told him he should sit down so he doesnt get another T. He complains and says he has the right to stand, True in NCAA, that I can't tell him to sit. I said you have a choice sit and stop complaining or watch the end of the game from outside the gym. He went off on me again so I Ejected him. This is the First time I have had to kick a coach. Now I feel I could have done something else to extinguish the behaviour and probably should have. That is why I felt it was not the best game for me. Was I justified, I think so. I talked to the assignor and the league convenor and both agreed. Only thing he had a problem with was that I deviated from officials guidelines asking the coach to sit.
Last night I walk in to do a single makeup game. It was postponed due to Grey Cup Game. It was this same team. I was all prepared to apologize ( I felt some remorse) and go by the letter of the Officials guidelines, making sure all coaches knew what my standards would be. It was absolutely the best game so far this year. The coach who was ejected was not there for some reason, his replacement knows how I ref and was great. He coached the players, the kids played clean ball both ways. They were all having fun. At half we had only called 7 fouls, 3-4 and it was a 3 point game. Second half one team comes out pressing, a couple of pushes and contact fouls, and they are at 4 fouls to 1. They get it this time play pressure but stop bellying up. The team that was ahead at half won going away by 16, It was the same team that had the coach ejected.
After the game both coaches thanked my partner and I saying it was best officiating they have seen in while and they enjoyed the game. Players all laughing and talking with each other after. Even a couple of parents caught up to me on my way out and thanked me for doing a good job. That is what I strive for every time I go out on the floor.
I don't know why I posted this but just had to say something. For every bad game there is a good game waiting.
"Your Azz is the Red Sea, My foot is Moses, and I am about to part the Red Sea all the way up to my knee!"
All references/comments are intended for educational purposes. Opinions are free.
Last edited by SmokeEater; Fri Nov 24, 2006 at 11:45am.