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Old Mon Jan 28, 2002, 12:01pm
zebraman zebraman is offline
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Most knee braces are made to be used in athletic competition - you'll see the usual velcro straps, plastic pieces instead of metal.... but there are others that were made to hold the knee in place for walking and NOT designed for athletic competition. These often have exposed metal clips etc.

It's a judgment call of course, but I'd be more worried about my liability of an opponent getting hurt (because I allowed a dangerous brace to be worn) than the kid playing without the brace. 80% of the knee braces I've seen are fine "as is" and another 10% were fine with a little tape. However, if the brace can't be taped so that it's safe to the opponents, I do not allow it. If the kid decides to play anyway without the brace, that's a decision for him (and the parents I suppose) and not my problem.

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