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Old Wed Nov 22, 2006, 03:46pm
reccer reccer is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 106
You are using one of the top pitchers in the country as a baseline. That dog don't hunt.

Okay, lets use Alicia Hollowell, In the Championship game of the 2006 College World Series, she struck out 13 (8 looking) The remainder of the outs were 3 foul outs 3 grounders and 2 flies to outfield. Sure, she is another top pitcher, but I could research the stats of the UCLA kid or Arizona State kid or Tennessee kid (we already talked about the Texas kid) and find similar results.

The reality is that each of the major programs has 1 top pitcher and we see the same programs year after year in the women's showcase (nationally televised) tourney. The games are lifeless affairs with the batters helplessly flailing at balls. Games are won, not because of outstanding offensive production (with Michigan the notable exception) but because the losing team boots one more slap bunt than the winner.

Its a boring product. Please fix it.
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