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Old Wed Nov 22, 2006, 12:38pm
M&M Guy M&M Guy is offline
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Originally Posted by Ref_ Fred
Every year each official in my association gets evaluated by our assignor or other veteran officials. My turn was saturday night and had many things to work on. My evaluator, his turn was last night. he too had a lot to work on. I'm not sure how most of you feel or agree. It is so much easier to see things when you are not in the mix and the heat of the game. I was able to see what other officials did right or wrong. even though he was a 15 year veteran and does D1 ball he too had things to work on.

Any comments? or OpinionS!
None of us have done the perfect game, so it doesn't matter what game it is, something could've been done better. I agree with someone not actually working the game doing the evaluating. I appreciate the question from a partner, "Did you see anything I need to change or work on?" But, in reality, my answer would be, "No! I didn't see anything because I wasn't watching you, I was watching my area!!" You know what I mean. So someone sitting up in the stands can give you much better feedback on specific situations and plays. Another way is watching a videotape of the game. You would be surprised at how you really look vs. how you think you look on the floor.
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