Originally Posted by Ref_ Fred
Every year each official in my association gets evaluated by our assignor or other veteran officials. My turn was saturday night and had many things to work on. My evaluator, his turn was last night. he too had a lot to work on. I'm not sure how most of you feel or agree. It is so much easier to see things when you are not in the mix and the heat of the game. I was able to see what other officials did right or wrong. even though he was a 15 year veteran and does D1 ball he too had things to work on.
Any comments? or OpinionS!
They have not invented a perfect official yet. We all have things we need to improve on.
D-1 officials know how to call the game and manage the game. They may have some mechanical flaws, but they did not get to the top by missing calls or letting games get squirrely.