Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
It has increased the offense in your standard game. You are using one of the top pitchers in the country as a baseline. That dog don't hunt.
Althought it might not have seemed like it, I agree with you there. I was trying to point out that even she wasn't untouchable. And I also wasn't thinking, if she were the home pitcher, then she was pitching the tops and therefore there were 6 more batters that touched the ball than I said (13K out of 42 batters, for 29 hits/errors/putouts)
Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
As far as the safety issue, considering the speed of the ball, the movement of the pitcher toward the launch point, I don't think the gain in safety is enough to use as valid reasoning.
I agree with this 100%. Many point out (accurately, I think) that any increase in reaction time for the pitcher is more than made up for by the increase in reaction time for the batter and the resulting increasted number of hits that the pitcher may need to react to.