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Old Wed Nov 15, 2006, 09:31pm
wadeintothem wadeintothem is offline
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Originally Posted by GaryBarrentine
The following is just my opinion (4 years of coaching experience and a year of umpire experience) and would probably not fly with a lot of people in the game.

To make the game more spectator friendly, to force coaches to use real game strategy, and to make the game a little safer, moving the pitcher's plate back is only part of the equation. To do this properly would require not only moving the pitcher’s plate back, but opening up the field some by extending the base path distances. This would increase the safety factor for pitchers and the corners slightly, it would also tone down some, but not all, of the pitching dominance as the defense would have to work just a little harder.


Actually, I agree.. and thought much the same many times.

The fact is, its not a "little girls" game any more.

When its very common at top levels to see .97 era.. you might have to start thinking outside the box.

Take any top level softball pitcher and they can sit down a pro baseball player time after time.
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