Thread: What to call
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Old Wed Nov 15, 2006, 06:52pm
kentref kentref is offline
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Originally Posted by Ed Hickland
Think the point of the original question was whether a "stupid" illegal block should negate a sure score.

If all things were equal and done entirely by the book, the foul would be penalized from the basic spot, that is, where the foul occurred.

This has been discussed in our Association meeting and consensus was penalize this as a USC, which, is totally wrong because there was contact and it is a personal foul. The reason for the USC it is a method to penalize "correctly" albeit it wrong without taking away the score.

Another method was to simply lie about when the foul occurred and say the score had already occurred when the contact occurred. Dead ball foul, penalize from succeeding spot. But what if the runner was tackled on the one yard line? Only a 1/2 yard penalty?

The real answer is that coaches should teach players not to block illegally.

But, what if, the block was in form legal but thirty yards behind the definite touchdown what is known as "chipping." Same situation as mentioned before applies but now you would be penalizing contact that is legal but unnecessary.

I would love to hear other opinions on whether to penalize both the legal and illegal contact on the long touchdown play.
This is a live ball personal foul. The player made a stupid, unnecessary, but illegal block. It's a safety issue and, perhaps more importantly, by penalizing it correctly as a live ball personal foul it sends the message that that kind of garbage foul won't be tolerated. I've seen situations like this where a player thinks he can get in a cheap, retaliatory shot at an opponent. Penalizing it as a PF helps prevent similar fouls later in the game. Also, if it's flagrant, you toss him.
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