Everyone in the world do not react the same to types of actions. Some of us grew up with coaches just like that and we do not see the problem. It is not a big deal to me because if that is all that Coach Knight did then I find people that are offended as part of the problem with have in this society. Now you might not have liked what he did, but the kid and the parents could have made an issue out of this. Coach Knight would not have the power to just get rid of a kid's scholarship for what you consider an assault.
We have kids that talk back to all forms of authority. I know players say thing we would have never imagined on the court or do things we would have never imagined. You might not like the style, but there was a time when participants were much more respectful of the game and the officials working. BTW, every single official that I have talked to about Coach Knight and actually officiated with him, liked the man and thought he was one of the fairest coaches they worked with.
The main factor is that Knight is not nice to the media. If he was nicer to the media or did not call them out for asking stupid questions and trying to make mountains out of molehills, he might be loved by them. The media likes people that are nice to them. When they are nice to them, they go out of their way to make them seem better people than they really are behind the seems. All I can say is the people that played for Knight love him and they dealt with him much more than you or me. If his players hated his guts, then I might go there with you.
Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)