Originally Posted by Chess Ref
good grief is right ! What part of no hitting other people doesn't little bobby get ? So if a coach did that to you cause he didn't like a call you made it would be okay cause you voluntarily went there to ref ? I think its a reasonable expectation that little bobby would keep his hands to himself.
Big fat blowhard in position of authority , hits people not in position of authority =BIg FAT BLOWHARD BULLY...
If you don't think that is considered assault try doing it the next time you get pulled over for speeding. I imagine the DA isn't going to let it slide or the cop who puts a whoop a$$ on you for doing it .....
There is a HUGE difference between you doing that to a police officer and a coach doing that to a player. There is a quite a difference in the type of relationship and bond a player and coach have verses a speeder and a police officer or even the player and the referee.
Up until this incident I never had any interest in defending Bobby Knight, but I think the media is making this much worse then it is. Bobby is the guy the media likes to talk about because everyone knows what he is capable of and they try and compare everything he does to what he has done...