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Old Tue Nov 14, 2006, 08:35pm
Steve M Steve M is offline
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Originally Posted by tcannizzo
I had the pleasure to try to hit a curve ball thrown from 2B by Rich Hoppe of King and His Court. The damned thing went around 3B and then crossed the middle of the plate.
While I never had that pleasure Tony, I did work the plate twice while the King threw. The first time, he was maybe in his early-mid 50's. Even at that age, he was an awesome pitcher. When he was going to throw something strange, the catcher would let me know - I sure appreciated that. When somebody got a loud foul, you could see the face change, the competetive juices start to flow and nobody could touch the ball for a couple of innings. A good friend of mine (much older than me) umped several games between Feigner and Ty Stofflet - the slow guy in those games was around 105.
Steve M
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