Originally Posted by Gimlet25id
I've been looking for it but haven't found it. If I find it I will post the link. It came across a couple of years ago. I just can't find it in the archives. I do know that its common knowledge in the conferences I work.
I guess its up to you to trust the play by play or not. I have had a couple of instances where I went to play by play. Once in a HS game & once in a college game. Both times they were adults handling the inputing of the info. In my experiences the people who do play by play are very good @ what they do.
Personally I want to get as much info as I can before I have to make a decision. In the case of the OP where its a question of a remaining TO or not. I'm going to go with whatever matches up. It may be the visiting book and play by play, or my partners and visiting book, or official book and play by play....you get the point. I'm for sure not going to change anything if everything matches up.
No need to post ia link,, even if you have a hard copy lay out the guidelines (or email me). Mens or womens?