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Old Mon Nov 13, 2006, 11:19pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by just another ref
So are you saying that during a game you keep up with this kind of information yourself? # of timeouts, etc.
Yes, I do. I also keep track of the AP arrow and team fouls. (plus most of the player fouls, but I didn't say that )

While this is a bit much for some people, here is a nice idea that I use with my partners. If it is a three man crew, the U1 tracks the time-outs of the HOME team and let's his partners know when the team is out of 30s. That way we don't have to ask the coach which type of TO he wants anymore. The U2 does the same with the VISITORS.
(For a two man crew, the Umpire takes the home team and the R takes the visitors.)

Try it, and see if you like it.
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