Originally Posted by Gimlet25id
I have to disagree with JR on this. I want to know when the team only has 1 time out or if they are out all together. If I relay this info to the coach's then it helps prevent a excessive time out. Most of the time when you remind the coach that they only have 1 time out left or that they are out he/she relays that automatically to the team. As far as getting wrong info from the table...unlikly @ the varsity level on up. This level and up will almost always keep the info themselves. Now I know J'Rs going to say that if they are keeping it why remind them? Well they may not remind their team. If I say something then they more then likely will pass the info on. Never had a coach get mad for reminding them of their time out situation.
You have totally missed the point I was making. I did not say you could not do that. If you want to hang out at the table all night that is entirely up to each official. I just know I am not going to do that. I have other things I would like to deal with at that time of the game. Telling coaches how many timeouts they have is not a big priority for me. I also feel that way based on what you said above. You said you did not need anyone to tell you what the timeout situation was when you coached, so why do I need to prevent something you should (and most of the time teams are already doing) know about in the first place? We all do not have to approach the game with the same priorities.