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Old Mon Nov 13, 2006, 05:20pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by ref509
My apologies for the typo on the 1st thread (NFHA). Tha (ooops, typo) "a" and the "s" are close on the keyboard for my big fingers. ANYway, I'm curious...all the "to do" about exam answers and rules/case references: why is everything so "guarded" if we want our officials to KNOW the rules.
If "everyone" used the exam as an open-book, get together and discuss learning experience (i.e., more of a study guide than a test), then there would be no problem is distributing the test and answers.

If "everyone" used the exam as a proctored test, then I think we'd all agree that it would be wrong to distribute the questions and answers in advance of the test.

The problem is that some states (or perhaps even areas within states) use it for the former purpose, and some use it for the latter purpose.
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