Thread: Nfhs 66, 79, 85
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Old Mon Nov 13, 2006, 03:34pm
brianalinhart brianalinhart is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 1
Nfhs 66, 79, 85

i have having trouble with these 3 questions. can anyone help me out? if so, email [email protected]

66. If jumpers A1 and B1 create a held-ball situation before the possesion arrow is set to begin the game, substitute A6 may enter to replace A1.

79. If only a 30-second time-out remains, it will be charged if the coach's request for a conference results in no prevention or correction of an alternating-possession mistake.

85. If the clock is stopped and the thrower holds the ball through the throw-in boundary plane and it is then touched by a player on the court, the clock shall start.

i think i know all of these answers, but i am not 100% sure. thanks for the help.
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