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Old Mon Nov 13, 2006, 02:59pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by tjchamp
As a former coach of youth basketball I can tell you it is VERY EASY to lose count. Each tournament has it's own rules as to how many timeouts you get. And your scorekeeper is typically another parent who can get caught up in the game and forget to write down a timeout.
You need to make sure you have someone that is on your team keeping track of those kinds of things. In my experience JH teams have their own scorebook and they let their coaches know what is going on with the score, timeouts or foul situations. So if you cannot get someone to do that, it is not my problem as an official that you are unaware.

Originally Posted by tjchamp
The real question is what to do at a varsity game. Say his staff left the book at home so he doesn't have one. Or maybe he just lost track so he has his staff ask the bench how many TO's he has and they give him bad information. What would you do?
I would call a T from the grade school level all the way to the college level. Part of your responsibility is a team is to keep track of these things. If you do not want to be cheated, then keep track. This is not football where official have a card in their pocket to know what the timeout situation is.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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