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Old Sat Nov 11, 2006, 01:37am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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[quote=Dan_ref]Frankly I'm not sure what you're saying which is why I qualified my original statement. In any event the ncaa is not saying the player cannot recover & dribble again. They are saying the player can recover and dribble if he hasn't already given up his dribble.[/quote

That is exactly what the NCAA is saying, Dan. The player MAY recover the ball, but he MAY NOT dribble AGAIN. A first dribble is okay, but not a second even if it comes after a fumble. It right there in the AR you cited.

A.R. 82. After ending a dribble, A1 leaves the playing court to attempt a try for goal. While airborne, A1 fumbles the ball. A1 (a) recovers the fumble while airborne, or (b) recovers the fumble after returning to the floor. A1 dribbles the ball. The official calls a violation. Is the official correct? RULING: Yes. In (a) and (b) A1 is permitted to recover the ball but after recovering the ball, A1 started a second dribble. However, if a fumble is touched by another player and then recovered by A1, while airborne or after a return to the floor, A1 is allowed to start another dribble. If A1 had not previously dribbled the ball, and while airborne fumbled and recovered the ball (while airborne or after a return to the floor), he is permitted to start a dribble.
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