I think you are all trying to bait me into more posts just to hit that number earlier. For the record, I never really paid attention to the number of posts until it was raised in another thread.
Here we go.
Yes, as the rule was explained in all committees, the runner restrictions for all 10U have been zapped. I believe there was a late amendment to make this for 10U A only.
As far as the batter in the box, the change to rule 7.6.Q to have it read, "When actively hindering the cather while in the batter's box." Conversely, the 7.6.R proposed change to drop the word "intentionally" when addressing the batter "interfering with a thrown ball, in or out of the batter's box" was rejected.
There was a serious discussion in the lobby including three members of the NUS (who shall remain nameless to keep my butt out of more hot water), an umpire very likely to join the NUS in the next year, myself and a commissioner concerning the two changes noted above and the other proposals involving the "intent" of interference.
From what I understand, the proposed changes were partially brought about by some folks wanting to be consistent between the definition and the rule. That argument - the word isn't in the definition, so it shouldn't be part of the rule (Yeah, well, I don't see the word "actively" in the definition, either

A rewording of the following rules for the purpose of removing "intentional" or "intentionally" we also approved:
In the same category, these same changes were rejected for rule:
For the record, I spoke out against removing the "notion of intent" as it applies to rules 7 & 8 in a few committees. I'm sure some folks, understandingly, didn't care to hear opposition, but I did not receive any negative feedback on my comments.
From conversations as the one noted above, the manner in which the umpire applies the interference rules should not change. I think we will see different "buzz" words/phrases come out of new interpretations, such as "actively hinder", "commits an act of interference" along with the ever-reliable "in my judgment".
The "inning-ending out" was approved on the floor after the Rules Committee rejected it. This is also true of a proposal changing the HRs allowed at the Master's level of SP. There were a handful of changes which were rejected in a majority of committees that were approved and presented to the General Council by the Rules Committee. This sort of makes you wonder if the format may not need some tweaking.
Then again, there were some unbelievable votes in committee. For example, there was a proposal to change 5.5.A to allow a run to score when the Tie Breaker rule is applied. Presently, a run is only scored when a runner touches 1st, 2nd, 3rd and HP. This just added a sentence to allow the run to count when the runner touches 2nd, 3rd and HP when positioned at 2B as the runner in the application of the TB. The JO committee, whose games is affected by this rule more than any others, reported a "reject" on this proposal. Even through the Playing Rules Committee meeting, council members voted against a change that could not, by common sense or the rule itself, could not be rejected.
I honestly believe that many of these changes are going to need to be hashed over and some slight changes in how it will be presented in the wording of the rule will occur. That will make the coming UIC Clinic not only interesting, but very important for every UIC to attend.
When it all comes down to the final draft, I think there will be some additional debate and those in charge will give us the appropriate tools to enforce the rules in the proper manner.