Thanks Dan for the kind words

. I'm stupid to try and justify my posts, but I will.
Player A (Offense) drives the basket for a lay up. Player B (Defense) slides over to take a charge. Player A steps on Player B's foot a goes down. Player A does not contact Player B's body until he's clearly falling.
Is it a travel or block?
This was an attempt to try and leave all possibilities open and see what responses I got.
It seems obvious that if B is standing there (legally established) and A steps on his foot and falls with the ball then it's a travel.
I didn't think anyone would call a charge so I left that option out.
I don't know how to articulate well the fact that B may still be moving and had A not stepped on B's foot then B would have clearly contacted A's body.
Is there a scenario where A's foot has more right to the spot on the floor than B's foot?
This is an attempt to be more specific (i.e. Player B was commiting a "borderline intentional foul", but before the foul could occur, A stepped on B's foot). Clearly I didn't want to come out and say that it was malicious or intended to harm, just that B wasn't going to allow the layup, because I figured this would steer the discussion in another direction. I also mentioned that I was having trouble coming up with the words to explain myself.
This was a typo. Should have been Thanks or Thank you.
So I don't really believe that I have changed my story. I did not seperate well the specific scenario from the general scenario in my initial post, and for that I appologize. I will attempt to clear up my posts in the future.
The 2nd post was in response to deecee's post, and I offered my opinion as to the play I witnessed and the 10 minute argument that followed.
I personally think it was a blocking foul because B never established LGP (in my ignorant opinion), but would you call a blocking foul (or I guess tripping maybe) if clearly the Defender was playing the ball/stopping the layup/thinking of fouling and the feet got tangled and no other contact occurred?
Dang it, now I wrote to much and I'm opening myself up to more critizism.
Thanks in advance for all the serious responses and fire away to the rest of you.