Uhhhhhh...I think we are talking about "the fine line" here.
I know with this new "getting the call right" era, a lot of coaches are asking umpires to "ask for help" in ANY situation where they don't agree with the call! LOL Maybe that is why they are arguing balls/strikes still. Maybe you will ask your partner for an opinion about the zone too!
But I agree, what point does it serve.
Really though, I get far more riled up about the UMPIRE who will not deal with a coach who is barking from the dugout/coaching box about calls than I get about the coach. It seems like some guys are afraid to deal with it! It just deteriorates the game to a point where it is no fun for the fans, players, and me!
Usually when I shut a coach up, some of his own players thank me!
Really, I would say it happens at least 50% of the time!