Thread: Coverage Areas
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Old Wed Nov 08, 2006, 10:19pm
tomegun tomegun is offline
Huck Finn
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 3,347
Uh oh, the pro-ballwatchers are growing. There are two or three referees for a reason. There are primaries for a reason. The NBA and WNBA have conducted research on calling outside the primaries. The NBA grades every call - and the officials get into position to make these calls. Oh, they do this without jumping around like court jesters!

If (some) of you guys are so concerned with what is going on in your partners' area(s), who is watching your area?

Why do most of these calls that your partners miss happen where the ball is? Don't your partners who are supposed to be watching off-ball ever miss anything? Odd how that happens huh?
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