Originally Posted by ref2coach
The requirement to "set out" a game for being ejected is not in TLOG. It is found in the FIFA "discipline procedures" document found on the FIFA website.
USSF is an affiliate of FIFA. If your State soccer association which issues you your player pass is a USSF affiliate, then you are bound by the game suspension rules. If you had to show your "card" to play, no matter where you played you acknowledged that you were bound by the affiliation to the State, USSF & FIFA.
While what you say is nice in theory, it is unfortunately not the way it works in practice. The best example that I can provide is what happens when someone receives a red card in their last match of a US CLUB Soccer tournament. US Club Soccer does NOT hold the pass in this situation. They do not care since their event is over.

While US Club Soccer is an affiliated USSF organization, they clearly do not abide by what you have written.