Tue Nov 07, 2006, 01:11am
Courageous When Prudent
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hampton Roads, VA
Posts: 14,929
Originally Posted by ChuckElias
After talking about this with some friends from the board and some other officials, I've decided to stop contributing to the forum. As Mick alluded to in the baseball thread, I was hired by a couple of D1 conferences (although I didn't recieve any assignments from one of them). Although it's not very likely, I don't want any of my comments to be misconstrued and then passed on to an assignor.
Fear not, I will be back to start the annual baseball thread. And I'll keep reading. But I won't be posting very much anymore. If for some unknown reason somebody wants my input on something, you could still email me through the forum.
It's been great, guys and gals. Everybody have a great season.
I understand your decision. I ran into a fellow in camp this summer who used to post on this site. He said someone had printed out all his posts and passed it along to one of his assignors.
A-hole formerly known as BNR