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Old Mon Nov 06, 2006, 11:39am
Scrapper1 Scrapper1 is offline
Lighten up, Francis.
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 4,674
When I first started out, I worked a couple little kid games with the same partner. In the middle of the first game, he came to me and said "Stop blowing my lines". I was so new, i didn't even know what he meant. But that's all he said. So in the middle of the second game, he came to me and said, "You're still blowing my lines." Again, that was all. Since I was so much less experienced than him, I wish he'd been a little more constructive instead of just being "blunt".

But if the person is more experienced than you, I like the "trust" approach. "Do you think you can't trust me?" Seems to get the point across without being a total jerk about it.
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