Mon Nov 06, 2006, 10:13am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2004
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Originally Posted by MidMadness
Without making for an uncomfortable situation how do you tell or ask your partner why he keeps blowing deep in your zone??? Example...I am the laed ..he is at halfcourt, calls a travel RIGHT in front of me..I had it and was gonna blow, but before I get a chance, he is already on it...Clearly WAY out of his zone...Don't want to be an a**hole about it, he has more experience than me, but I know where to be and where not to be..
I would say, hey partner, your long distance calling card is now revoked. Or you could just ask him if you missed something that he saw. It really depends on the relationship you have with that person.
Score the Basket!!!!
Last edited by IREFU2; Mon Nov 06, 2006 at 11:14am.