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Old Sat Nov 04, 2006, 09:38pm
jontheref jontheref is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 100
End of season bizarre behavior

Since I have no life...and worked only a Friday, I went to see a game. Senior Day. The usual ceremonies are going on. The cheerleaders and their parents get the flowers. The players and their parents. The visiting team is warming up. They are doing their normal thing to get revved up during their stretching.....z bit on the loud side... Now the parents of the home team are yelling at the visitors warming up on their side of the 50 because they are too noisy. My first thought was -- "wow--crazy stuff happens in games when I am watching too." But here is the question, what would white hats do....given a loud warm up. Is it disrespectful...yes. Is it something that can be dealt with.

The crew did nothing...nor do I think they really should have. What do you folks think.
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