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Old Wed Nov 01, 2006, 03:49pm
AtlUmpSteve AtlUmpSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by Dakota
This is a very bad change. Hopefully, the committee will see that.
Now might be a good time to interject how the ASA system works. There is not a single definitive committee; this is a lot like our federal government at work.

Several separate committees will meet to discuss these rules; anyone it may impact. This one, defining a "play" will be discussed by the JO (youth), Umpires, Player Reps, FP Playing Rules, SP Playing Rules, and Modified Playing Rules committees. Each will make a recommendation to the Playing Rules Committee, which can totally ignore those recommendations, and propose to accept or reject. No matter what THAT decision is, it goes before the entire (approximately) 400 voting members of the National Council. Recommendations of the Playing Rules Committee (as well as Code changes through the Legislative Committee) can be challenged by any one voting member, who can call for the entire body to vote. The only impact of the committee's decision is that it takes 60% +1 to overturn the committee recommendations, whether yea or nay.

More than once I have seen a consensus rule be voted out because of opposition by an influential politician. The committee only makes it a bit tougher, requiring a larger than simple majority.
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