[QUOTEWHat is considered a good pregame? What issues do you cover and stuff like what. ][/QUOTE]
The pre-game changes for which association I do games for. I'll give you some for the HS games.
1 We meet 1 hour prior to game time.
2: Rotation, good eye contact
3 Watch you primary
4: help out on jump ball situation
5 Boundary Line Responsibilities
6: Last Shot Responsibilities
7: Post Play and Post Travels
8: What are reasons to rotate
9:Rotate from closedown
10: Double Whistles (freeze)
11: Throw-ins (eye contact, table, clocks
12: Communicate at 6 & 9 fouls
13: Soliciting for help (or coming in)
There are many more I just stated a few. And most will change if you have worked with the crew before. IMO