Originally Posted by LMan
The 1 st OP didn't say completely on the plate, its said 'on the black'. In the 2d, I don't know exactly what "1" of heel was still toward (?) the batters box" means but if he meant part of his heel was still touching the line, he's legal.
LIke a lot of other disingenuous posters, you are changing the sitch to suit your argument. Typical.
I do like how Mr Cedar graciously brought us up to date on LL rules, though 
The thread had obviously changed to discuss rule 6.06 a which is what I was talking about.
Obviously, unless you are 100% certain that a batter's foot is COMPLETELY outside the batter's box you're not going to call this.
The only time I can really enforce this rule is when the batter is bunting and has turned before the pitcher's windup or just as he starts. I can see the batter blocking most of the strike zone and immediately take a quick glance down to check the foot. If he's completely on the plate, then if contact is made he's out. I can tell if he had shifted again to move his foot back but most times if his foot is on the plate when I first glance, he doesn't move it until he contacts the ball.
And if he did lift it 2 millimeters off the ground just before contact, tough for him he shouldn't have had his foot out of the box to begin with.
My two cents. Never had an arguement, maybe a quick question but never more then 5 seconds of dicussion.
Others can ignore what they want but I'll stick to enforcing the rulebook.