Originally Posted by tcblue13
That is the net result. No Int call
That is incorrect 100%. That ball isnt foul or dead. Simply Crashing into a fielder iis never a DB, unless by rule its DB for a reason. INT/DDB for OBS, etc .. SOMETHING must happen, some rule must come into play - for there to be DB on a crash.
If you let the situation play out like a DDB sitch (I see this as the only other option)
Kill it whe F5 touches the ball and declare R1 out and put BR on first base. The O coach will go ballistic "Why the h*ck didn't you call it when it happened?"
"Well coach, it's technically not Int when the ball is foul, however the ball rolled fair so then it became interference so I had to call it then."
Simply because a coach will go ballistic is not reason enough to not make the call.
The ball in the situation was a fair ball. the player never touched it, it settled fair, therefore, the fair aspect of INT is met.
There is a punitive effect of INT.. but some umpires are averse to enforcing a punitive punishment, and instead you are looking for a "Fair/equal way" to enforce this play.
The rules are clear.
Now another question
Can a player "make a play" on or "attempt to field" a foul ball or a ball in foul territory?
Certainly yes if the ball does not touch the ground, but a slow roller that has not been ruled foul or dead is a different story isn't it?
No, not at all. Not by any stretch of the imagination IMO. In fact, that is a live ball.. people are running, it is not a DB situation, it is not foul. Its not dead until its dead by rule. Furthermore, even killing a ball foul by a Defensive player is a very valid play. Interferring with that play, especially so as to ensure the ball continues fair is Interference.
No one questions that, what is being missed is the enforcement of that INT, which is actually clearly written.
Ergo, what do you do with the crash?
F5 has to be able to make a play on the ball, right?
Its obvious, a runner Interfered with a fair batted ball.
Everyone knows it, because the unanamious ruling is INT DB.
But you then disregard the punitive effect of INT and are on your own deciding how that INT gets applied: leaving out the written punitive punishment of INT.
There is no rule is ASA that says
"INT = DB, strike on batter (unless its 2 strikes), do over."
Int is DB runner out.. etc.
I do agree with Dakota about using this as a case play on his exam when its obvious there is differing opinon even among the examiners is beyond the pale.
VERY good dabate.
This one makes me think.
LBR was so tired.