Mon Oct 30, 2006, 12:41pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2000
Posts: 59
Originally Posted by ChuckElias
That's pretty much what I heard, too. Without the ball, one forearm on the back or side is ok if the elbow is bent. One hand on the back or side is ok if the wrist is bent. The leg on the backside is ok to hold position. If at any point in time, the arm, hand or leg is extended -- even without the ball -- it's a foul.
It seems to me that they are trying to implement "guideline fouls" like the women have adapted from the NBA. I don't think it's a bad idea. Seems like they're going for "one point of contact" without extenstion.
Once the low-post player has the ball, I think it's fair to say that the defender has to play him just like he'd play a point guard up top.
That's right on. Were you in Atl?