Originally Posted by Leecedar
who makes this call? It's simple... in all places except little league, the batter is out if he makes contact with the ball while his foot is either on home plate or completely out of the batter's box. Yet, NOBODY seems to know this, and I can only recall one person besides me who's called it. (By the way, in little league, if the kid's foot is on the plate but a portion of his foot is still in the box, it's legal.)
I had a college game where the batter squared around with his foot touching the black (I know the black isn't part of the plate) but his foot isn't 6" wide unless he's sasquatch. So I made the call, and the coach went berzerk, and my evaluator said I might have been over-umpiring; he said he'd probably have let that one go. Yesterday, I'm doing a men's league game, and the guy chases an outside pitch so that almost his entire foot is in front of the plate (maybe 1" of heel was still toward the batter's box) and I made the call. The coach came out, told me he had NEVER had that called against him, etc... etc... etc...
Just curious... am I the only guy unfortunate enough to have it happen in his games, or are most umpires just not taking a glance at the feet?
To answer your question, I can't recall making this call, but if I did, it was in a Little League game

I don't think that this was your only mis-characterization of the rule. LL follows OBR in that the plate is not mentioned in Rule 6.06. I'm not an expert, but I believe that NCAA follows OBR as well, leaving FED as the oddball ruleset to mention home plate.
I don't know what '1" of heel was still toward the batter's box' means, but if it means that 1" of heel was over the line marking the box, my understanding is that rule 6.06 does not apply. One foot has to be on the ground entirely out of the box.
previous thread is very interesting reading.