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Old Sun Oct 29, 2006, 06:48pm
wadeintothem wadeintothem is offline
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
The sticking point here is that the rule is that it applies to interfering with a defender attempting to field a "batted fair ball". If you rule interference immediately, the ball, by rule, is dead which would make it a foul ball and INT is not applicable. If you wait for the ball to become fair and the fielder is no longer attempting to field it, there is no interference.

To be honest, whatever you call, you better be able to sell it because someone is not going to be happy either way.
Its an interesting theory question though, and I agree, someones going to be pissed off.

I wonder though, as to what is the by the book correct call..

It seems to me that all balls are fair until they are foul.. so a slow roller up 3b foul side of the line is fair.. until its foul.

So I think technically.. INT is correct.

The ball was never foul in this situation, it was fair at all times. The reason being.. a foul ball is a dead ball. A ball doesnt "go fair".. it goes foul.

Seems to me anyway.
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