Originally Posted by Justme
Arguing balls/strikes is not allowed in any level of baseball.
That is the point of my question. The NF does not prohibit arguing balls and strikes like the other rule codes do, coming out to argue about a pitch is the same as coming out to argue about a tag play at second base. I was wondering if anyone allows more arguing in Federation games than in an OBR/NCAA game because of the way the rule is written.
Originally Posted by Justme
The word ‘final” in the FED means that arguing judgment calls is not allowed.
That may be what it means, but that is not how it is enforced. The manager/head coach is allowed on to the field to argue a judgement call and hold up the game for a reasonable ammount of time.
Originally Posted by Justme
All you have to do is provide me with the reference in the rule book (any rule book) stating that a coach can come out of the dugout and argue strikes/balls with the PU.
Unlike the OBR and NCAA rules there is no wording in the NF book which specifically prohibits arguing balls and strikes.
NCAA - After a warning, any player or coach who continues to argue balls, strikes, or checked swings, shall be ejected from the game.
OBR - Players leaving their position in the field or on base, or managers or coaches leaving the bench or coaches box, to argue on BALLS AND STRIKES will not be permitted. They should be warned if they start for the plate to protest the call. If they continue, they will be ejected from the game.
Federation - Nothing about the topic
I really do not understand why you are arguing with me, all I did was state a fact that the NF rule book does not specifically prohibit the arguing of balls and strikes and then asked a question how people handel the arguing of balls and strikes in games played under different rule codes.