Rule 6-5
The ball shall be put in play by a throw-in under circumstances as outlined in 6-3-1,2,3;7-1 through 6; 8-5; and 9-1 through 12.
While 7-5-7 and 7-6 gives exmeption to both location and to a direct throw-in, there is nothing within these rules (that I can find) which gives specific exemption to a ball that touches the floor out of bounds (violation from 9-3 as definied in 7-2-b from either a dribble or a pass that has hit the floor (and that is all a bounce pass is).
According to the definition a pass is" ... movement of the ball caused by a player who throws, bats or rolls the ball to another player." I think the rule book conflicts itself a bit on defining a roll as a pass as it pertains to this situation, but it doesn't give precedent to allow a pass, wether it be by design or accident, to hit the floor and have exemption to the rules covering the throw in.
Finally, I hope these posts aren't taken as arrogant presumption. I have been wrong before and I will be again, I am glad to have the forum because it forces me to look my knowledge and re-examine to what I think is correct. Thanks