Here in Maryland, our season has a last play date of February 20th. The public school state playoffs start the weekend of February 22/23 and it's pretty much the same situation as DBL indicated for Northern Virginia. Here in Maryland most of state(99%) is made up of IAABO Boards and each "commissoner/supervisor of officials" for each board schedules at the regional level (4 rounds). In Maryland every public school makes the playoffs, so it's an "open tournament" with alot of games in the first and second rounds. Sometime this month -January- each commissoner also sends a list of names from each board to the state office and officials for state semis and finals are chosen off of these lists. Now the number of officials on each list sent by each board is different and is based on the amount of schools your board/association services. So for my board, which services approximately 36 public highschools & 30 private schools, it makes us one of the larger board's in the state. So we get to send six to seven names down each year. The other factor for us now is as of last year our state semis and finals went to three man officiating and it has enabled all boards to send additional officials. I know we here in Maryland are "behind the times" with the "three-man" thing, but it's been a process.