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Old Tue Oct 24, 2006, 07:07pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by Camron Rust
This was a rule change just a few years ago. Prior to the change, it was a T to commit BI on a FT. It didn't make a lot of they fixed it...violation only.
Typo aside, I think they went "too far" in changing the rule (at least in theory -- in practice, I've never seen either GT or BI on a FT).

Play: While A1's FT try is in flight, B1 enters the lane, jumps and contacts the ball (a) just before the ball enters the imaginary cylinder, or (b) just after the ball enters the imaginary cylinder. Ruling: In (a), GT, and a T. In (b), BI; no T.

It seems to me that there's not much difference between those plays, and they should be treated the same.
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