Originally Posted by gfleischer82
Look Back rule.
Batter get base on ball. Runner runs around 1st toward 2nd. A ball is returned to pitcher. A runner kinda slow down then proceed to 2nd. Is runner out due to look back rule violation? Since the runner is commited to 2nd base?
There is no such thing as a runner being committed to a base. Not even sure what you'd be referring to there.
Once the pitcher has the ball in the circle AND the BR has reached first base, LBR is on. AFTER this moment, the runner is allowed to stop exactly once, decide which way to go, and then must continue in that direction, assuming no play is made. Let's assume that BR has reached first in your scenario. The runner slowing - legal. Did she stop? If so, legal for now. Did she stop for longer than a couple of seconds? If so - there's your LBR violation. If not, did she then, after the stop, proceed in only one direction (either toward 1st or 2nd). If so, legal. If she stopped a 2nd time, or reversed direction after the first stop, then you have a LBR violation.
Your sitch sounds completely legal, even if BR had reached first.