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Old Tue Oct 24, 2006, 08:37am
voiceoflg voiceoflg is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: LaGrange, Ga.
Posts: 364
NCAA refs vs. conference refs

A question has been brought up on a few SEC teams' message boards, and likewise on a state high school football message board. I figured you guys would be the best source for insight.

If the NCAA were to mandate individual conference officials be put under one umbrella where a crew would work an SEC game one week and a WAC game the next week, for example, would that be beneficial? Or would it matter? Some in the media (I know, many are idiots) have publicly said college officials should not work games involving teams from their home state. I don't think it matters, but I've never officiated before.

Likewise, should there be one state officials association for high school instead of many regional associations? Why or why not?
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