Originally posted by ChuckElias
Just an odd observation. . .
I find it very funny that everyone here told me that I was over-reacting to the mascot who was doing his "blind ref" act. But now, you all want to toss this coach for doing, literally, nothing. He's going to stand there and waste his time-out and just look at you. And you want to toss him? I personally would just stand there and stare back. Maybe blow him a little kiss or something.
My problem with your mascot post was that you stated you would eject the mascot for strangling a scorpion mascot at halftime. (Did I remember correctly?)
I don't have a problem with you ejecting a mascot who is demeaning to the officials during the actually game.
Beyond that, a coach is part of the game and is expected to conduct himself professionally. Mascots did stupid things all the time. That is why I would have more tolerance for the mascot, until "it" crossed the line.