Originally Posted by ChuckElias
I was thinking the same thing. Dead ball shove, followed by jawing? The jawing might get double T's from me, especially if they're "all up in" each other's grills, just to send a message.
I guess both of you really are sending a message. You just tossed A1 outa the game for getting 2 "T"s.
Well....I guess you won't have to worry about tossing both of 'em later anyway. You only got one of 'em left in the game now--B1.
The only message you can send, short of unloading A1
only, is talking to 'em. I sureasheck wouldn't personally call the double "T"s for yapping, and let A1 be the only player tossed--- not when he was the one who got hard-fouled in the first place. Jmo.