My local association fee is $35 a year and another $55 a year to renew with ihsaa. (Indiana) The association doesn't collect anymore than that.
We get paid with a check by the school when we show up for the game and usually is $45 a game for 7th thru freshman and $58 for JV or Varsity games.
We all get 44 cents a mile tax deduction for travel at IRS time so don't forget to deduct that.
Our in-house league pays $22 a game and usually includes 5 to 8 games in one day. We pay $30 dollars a game for AAU and is usually 6 games in one day. Both in-house and AAU we pay cash collected at the door.
I have games assigned thru my association and I pay a third party assignor $10 a year for 6 to 8 games.