Originally Posted by tjones1
Ha Ha... that's right! Any comments JR? 
Yup, congratulation Cardinals! You certainly deserved the win and you are worthy National League champions. When you go into the other team's house and win a seventh game like that, you deserve all the ups in the world.
I really don't have anything against the players and the team, Tanner. It's just that if there was a Hall-of-Fame for dickheads, LaRussa would be a unanimous first-round pick and a charter member. I didn't like him when he was in Chicago and I liked him even less when he was screwing up the "Greatest Team Ever" in Oakland. If St. Louis does win the World Series this year, it'll be despite LaRussa , not because of him.
Personally, I gotta like those underdog Tiggers though. It's Rudy vs. the World again. C'mon Rudy!