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Old Thu Oct 19, 2006, 02:06pm
MJT MJT is offline
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Originally Posted by ljudge
This is why you should walk off both penalties. You should walk off the penalty for B's foul, THEN signal first down at that point, THEN walk off the penalty for A's foul, and finally, set the chains.
True ljudge, IF the foul by B is 1st and WILL result in a first down for A. If the first foul was by B, or cuz it is more than 15 yards to the LTG, there is no reason to step both off if you will end up in the same spot and have the same down.

Another time you must walk them off is if either of them will be a 1/2 distance walkoff cuz you will not end up in the same spot after the walkoffs.
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