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Old Tue Jan 22, 2002, 08:34pm
Mark Padgett Mark Padgett is offline
certified Hot Mom tester
Join Date: Aug 1999
Location: only in my own mind, such as it is
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Originally posted by Mark Dexter
Originally posted by Mark Padgett
Personally, I have never seen a match inside a cage (other than WWF), but I do remember the center jump after every basket.
Mark, did you get your basketball start as one of the guys who retrieved the ball from the peach basket after every score?
No. I started playing before peaches were invented. Many of you do not realize it, but the first basketballs were made of pterodactyl hide. Referees would paint stripes on their bodies with berry juice and the penalty for a technical foul was being hit on the head with a club (twice in NF). The first organized game ever played was between "The Guys From Og's Cave" and "The Guys From The Other Side Of The Glacier." Both teams wore "Air Og's". There was no final score because no one could understand the concept of counting. However, after the game, we all went to Starbucks, which was quite new at the time.

OK, I'll stop now.
Yom HaShoah
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